Pre Conference Workshops

ECMO Adult Simulation Workshop

  • time Date & Time: 14th Feb 2024, 07:30AM- 5:30PM
  • time Location: Adan Hospital, SIM room
  • DurationDuration: 10 Hours
  • AudienceTarget Audience: ECMO Physicians and ECMO specialist ( Nurses, RT or perfusionists) with prior ECMO experience and background

Description and intended learning objectives:

  1. Increase the knowledge and confidence in ECMO management and dealing with ECMO emergencies through high fidelity simulation ( learning in safe environment).
  2. Understand the importance of task delegation and role assignment in addition to maintaining a leadership role throughout the scenario.
  3. Demonstrate an effective team dynamics and communication skills.
  4. Demonstrate the importance of the safety checklist in recognizing and identifying the causes of different ECMO emergencies.

Wokshop Sponsored By: Sponsor